Monday, November 24, 2008

Weekend Recap...

I had such a crazy busy day on friday that I didnt have time to do a photoshop post..oh well..

Friday night was girls night and I didnt get home until 12am-ish! We went for a speedy dinner at Peisanos then off to the theater to see Twilight. Apart from a little cheese, the chatty 12yr olds and the endless chair kicks for Ree and Lauren (by the chatty 12yr olds), Id say the movie was pretty entertaining. I think it could have easily been better had we been in a theater with a more mature audience. It was apparent that all the MILD adult content of the movie was too much for these kids to handle...which was made obvious by all the snickering, giggling and ohh and awws. I could have done without all the mindless commentating and sound effects. As the movie ended and we were getting up to leave, Lauren (in a VERY lauren-like fashion) turned to the girls responsible for kicking her and Ree's chairs and proceeded to tell them "Thank you for kicking my chair the whole movie ladies, that was great". As SOON as this was going down Sheree and I couldt have moved any faster away from Lauren. Embarrassed, we made a bee line for the exit leaving Lauren behind to fend for herself. It was a fun laugh filled night with the girls.

On Saturday Julain and I made a trip to the wonderful world of Walmart and purchased a fake tree for christmas this year. I didnt have a tree last year and it just wasnt christmas without one. I hate to admit...but we actually put it together and plugged it in (pre-lit). Im a firm believer in the Christmas Decor Rule...Decorating AFTER Thanksgiving but I couldnt help myself. At least its JUST the tree..i will wait to put ornaments on after thursday's festivities.

Saturday evening we had pizza with my fam and just hung out at home all day Sunday.

Hope everyone is prepared for Thanksgiving this week!


Anonymous said...

your lauren story cracks me up! i can so picture the scene! wish i could have been there with you girls. i put up my tree this weekend, i figured i didnt have to wait until after thanksgiving since we dont celebrate it here! plus i wont be here at christmas so i wanted some extra time to enjoy it!

sheree said...

dude...lauren kills me. She's a hot mess. I love how now she knows who really has her back. Not you or I, lmao.

You're going to be pissed about this, but I am telling you anyway. Walmart is selling a 6.5 ft pre-lit trees on black friday for $25. I think I might actually go there and snag one or two. I think it would be cool to have trees in more than one room of the house with different themes. I dunno thoug...maybe not?

My tree is up too but not decorated. We do turn the lights on every night though. I think we'll decorate tomorrow!

Thanks for seeing that cheesy movie with me. You should borrow the book when lauren is done. It is like a katrillion times better than the movie!

Tiffany said...

I think it would be cool to have more than one Christmas tree! I like how some trees have all gold or all silver decor. My tree gets plugged in every night too. I love the way it looks....even with just the lights.
BTW- I put the book on my Xmas list for Howards fam.

sheree said...

oh good!