Monday, December 22, 2008

We're Engaged!!

Julian and I are engaged and have been for a week now! Ive been slacking on posting our engagement story but I had a good excuse last week. My work computer took a dive and I was stuck using a computer that was not on the open DSL. Therefore, all the good websites were blocked!

So....without further adieu..

Our Story.

So last Saturday night (12/13/08) we had tickets to go see The Nutcracker. I had to picture a Land Rover event early that morning so Julian decided he would use that time to go install a new Norton Anti-virus program on my parents computer (and ask for my hand). We met back at my apartment, went to lunch, took a nap and started getting ready for the ballet. I wanted to get all dressed but I was having a MAJOR wardrobe issue and quickly turned my room upside down in a fit of rage. I was throwing a huge PMS tantrum while Julian kept his cool yet chuckling on the inside knowing what was to come later that night. Anyhow….I finally decide on something to wear and off we went!

We both wanted to get to the theater fairly early because last year we really enjoyed listening to a choir sing Christmas carols softy in the second tier foyer. Hoping for the same this year, we arrived at about 6:30ish. So did EVEYONE else……it was packed……and….there were no carolers this year. By this time Julian began to panic because his plan was to propose to me in front of the choir on the second tier with a minimal amount of people around. They wouldn’t even let us up the stairs. Ugh.

After the show when we were driving home Julian (okay, im going to call him Claudiu from now on) told me he had something to show me and I was not allowed to ask questions. I initially thought he was taking me to Leatherbys for ice cream because of the direction we had taken. After driving down Fulton a few blocks I started to realize what might be happening and it really became apparent when we pulled into the BMW dealership.

He again told me there was something he wanted to show me so we got out of the car and walked toward the lot of cars. He stopped at one point and turned to me saying “Do you know where we are?” I said, “at work?” His reply was “this is the exact spot where we first met” then he got on one knee and asked me to marry him!! Begin the instant water slides! Lol I cried like a baby. After all the hoops we jumped through with his family it seemed it was finally over! Pure excitement !

Want to see the actually security footage of him proposing? Someone help me figure out how to put video on here!!


Pity DaFoo said...

Congrats!!! Thats so awesome you have it on video tape! I totally ruined my hubbys proposal plan.

Tiffany said...

lol We look like little black stick figures but its better than nothing! :)

sheree said...

oh I didn't know you got the footage?!! That's awesome. I can't wait to see that :)

Stacey said...

i wish i wouldve been there for the dress fun! you will be a beautiful bride though!! :)